How Target Football's Smart Shin Pads Are Changing the Game

How Target Football's Smart Shin Pads Are Changing the Game

Welcome to Target Football, where innovation meets excellence in football equipment. In this blog post, we delve into the revolutionary technology behind our Smart Shin Pads and their profound impact on player performance. From enhancing safety to providing invaluable insights, our Smart Shin Pads are reshaping the landscape of football as we know it.

Evolution of Shin Guards

Shin guards have a rich history in football, evolving from basic protective gear to sophisticated equipment that plays a crucial role in player safety and performance. Traditional designs offered limited functionality, primarily focusing on protection without providing meaningful data on player movement and biomechanics. Recognizing the need for a paradigm shift, Target Football embarked on a journey to redefine the role of shin guards in the modern game.

The Technology Behind Smart Shin Pads:

Target Football's Smart Shin Pads are the pinnacle of innovation and engineering excellence. Our Smart Shin Pads are not just passive protective gear, they are intelligent tools designed to enhance player performance through advanced technology. 

Embedded with state-of-the-art sensors and features, our Smart Shin Pads capture real-time data on various metrics, including impact force, movement patterns, and biomechanical insights.

By seamlessly integrating these features, we're empowering players and coaches to gain unprecedented insights into their performance, leading to informed decision-making and targeted training strategies.

Understanding Performance Insights of Smart Shin Pads

Our Smart Shin Pads not only protect but also provide invaluable data insights to enhance player performance. Here are some key measurement points collected by the device:

  1. Max Acceleration: The highest acceleration achieved by the player during the session.

    Example: Player A reached a max acceleration of 5.8 m/s² during a sprint.

  2. Max. Speed: The maximum speed attained by the player throughout the session.

    Example: Player B reached a top speed of 8.5 metres per second during a dribbling drill.

  3. Use of Right Foot (%): Percentage of actions performed using the player's right foot.

    Example: Player C utilised their right foot for 65% of passes during a passing drill.

  4. High-speed distance: Total distance covered at high speed during the session.

    Example: Player D covered 800 metres at high speed during a match simulation.

  5. Total Sharp Turns: The total number of sharp turns executed by the player.

    Example: Player E made 12 sharp turns while evading defenders.

  6. Total Sprints: Number of sprints performed by the player.

    Example: Player F completed 10 sprints during interval training.

  7. Distance Covered per Minute: Average distance covered by the player per minute of play.

    Example: Player G maintained an average of 90 metres covered per minute during a friendly match.

  8. Sprint Distance: Total distance covered during sprints.

    Example: Player H sprinted a total distance of 400 metres during a training session.

  9. Total Jumps: The number of jumps executed by the player.

    Example: Player I performed 20 jumps during a plyometric training session.

  10. Total High-Speed Runs: Total number of runs performed at high speed.

    Example: Player J executed 15 high-speed runs during a conditioning drill.

  11. Distance Covered: Overall distance covered by the player during the session.

    Example: Player K covered a total distance of 10 kilometres during a match.

  12. Calories Burned: Estimated calories burned by the player during the session.

    Example: Player L burned 800 calories during a rigorous training session.

  13. Max Jump: Maximum height attained by the player in a single jump.

    Example: Player M achieved a max jump height of 60 centimetres during a vertical jump test.

  14. Use of Left Foot: Percentage of actions performed using the player's left foot.

    Example: Player N utilised their left foot for 40% of shots during a shooting drill.

  15. Total Steps: The total number of steps taken by the player.

    Example: Player O took 12,000 steps during a full-length match.

  16. Max. Kicking Powers: The maximum force exerted by the player while kicking the ball.

    Example: Player P generated a max kicking power of 800 Newtons during a free-kick practice.

These data points offer comprehensive insights into player performance, enabling coaches and players to tailor training regimes and optimise strategies for success on the field. 

Partnering with Target Football:

The Target Football Affiliate Program, where collaboration meets opportunity. As a valued member of our affiliate community, you have the chance to earn commissions by promoting our innovative Smart Shin Pads and other exciting products currently in development. We're constantly seeking new and innovative partners to join us on this journey of revolutionising football training.

For more information visit our Affiliate page.


In conclusion, Target Football's Smart Shin Pads mark a game-changing advancement in football equipment technology. With advanced sensors capturing key metrics from max acceleration to total steps taken, these innovative tools provide comprehensive insights into player performance. 

Empowering coaches and players alike, these insights enable tailored training and strategic optimization for elevated on-field success. We invite you to explore our product further and discover firsthand the transformative impact of Target Football's Smart Shin Pads. Together, let's change the game for the better and usher in a new era of football excellence.